Friday, January 14, 2011

Days 14 and 15 The 4-Hour Body Thoughts

OK, so I took a break from taking pics of all my meals yesterday and today. I'll be back with tomorrow's food. 

Yesterday was my off plan day. Had some yummy things, sort of similar to last week's. Today I'm right back on track, minus the coffee with cream that I'd been having. Also, making a point to get protein in within a half hour of waking.

As I've said before I've been struggling with the slow results. I wavered on just quitting the plan.

HOWEVER, I am going to give it at least one more week and maybe the full 30 days I planned. I don't want to wimp out on these Hype or Help Experiments! 

I am focusing on following the plan as set out in the book (The 4-Hour Body). (I've had lots of suggestions, but my focus here is testing what I can do from the book). I know I wasn't eating breakfast early enough. Never thought it was that big a deal, but I want to give the book a true test, so this week I will be sticking to the plan (as detailed in the book) to the letter.

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