Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 4 Thoughts on The 4-Hour Body

The biggest thing I'm noticing today, well, ok two things, with The 4 Hour Body plan is that 1. I'm inspired to cook and 2. I am not battling the hunger This is a pretty big deal for me. I generally feel mildly hungry almost constantly. It's very frustrating. On this plan I have to remind myself to eat, especially breakfast within an hour of waking, because I'm just not hungry much. 

I think the cooking inspiration comes from the yummy recipes I've found (from Muscle & Fitness hers), and the fact that I planned ahead and set myself up for success. While I do have dried beans and lentils that I 'plan' to use, I also bought canned versions for the times I don't (which has been always so far). I filled the vegetable drawer with things like kale, spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers all crying out to be used. Hubby bought me three different kinds of onions yesterday, lol, he is enjoying what I'm cooking too. Plus, I'm only working with the foods from page 72 of the book, so there's no need to reinvent the wheel here. I'm just experimenting with different ways to prepare them. I throw a little olive oil or I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light (not sure if that's exactly on plan, but I LOVE) in a skillet, mix and match some ingredients, and have made the yummiest things! I think it also helps that I love these foods.

So, as of day 4 so far so good. I feel fanfriggintastic. Still no cravings, no feeling deprived. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that I am cooking such yummy things. When we start back up with homeschool after Christmas break I plan to boil a dozen eggs, bake some chicken breasts, and prepare some dishes ahead that I can just reheat. I want to save time and avoid going to the fridge and thinking, crud, nothing to eat.

Still in the honeymoon phase with this, so we'll see how I feel after 30 days. Mostly I'm interested to see what my weight, BF%, BMI and inches say! Yes, it's easy to stick to for me, but results are what we're after, right?

1 comment:

  1. You're doing great. I understand about not being hungry.Since I've been laying off of the processed stuff, I have to constantly remind myself to eat.
